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Private Podcast
Audio Course


Feeling nervous going into your next birth?
Wanting A MUCH BETTER Next Birth Experience?

A Better Next Birth Audio Course sets you up for success and gives you the tools to confidently navigate your next birthing with your partner.

This all-audio course sets you up to be honored for your last experience, use the lessons gained from that birth, listen to your partner in a new way, and together prepare for this baby's birth. 

What goes through your mind as you think about your next birth?

  • Can I GET a better next birth? 

  • Was what happened to me last time necessary?  Was I treated fairly?  Is that as good as it gets? 

  • Can I do it more "my way" this time?  Can I be stronger or more supported? 

  • What if I can't do it?  Again!?! 

  • Will my partner be able to support me the way I want?

  • Am I really cut out to do this whole birthing thing?

These thoughts are completely normal.

After all, most of the folks who have a hard first birth wonder if it could be better the next time. You created life.  And now, you’re tasked with having to do it AGAIN!.

This is a beautiful time, but if you’re like most people giving birth, you have some (or a lot of) anxiety over what the future holds.

Know that you are not alone, my friend. The secret to calming these fears and gearing up to return to birthing again lies in how you prepare for your next birth AS A PARTNERSHIP. I'm here to help.


Introducing: The World's First AUDIO COURSE designed to get you A BETTER NEXT BIRTH

A Better Next Birth is a program designed specifically for parents like you who have gone through birth and want birth to be the positively transformative experience it should be. Sound like you?


This program will leave you feeling more calm, empowered, and connected than ever before. Through it, you’ll feel encouraged and inspired to start this new journey. You’ll learn how to process and honor your prior birth story, use its down-sides as a way to make powerful changes in your next birth, envision and create your new birth story, empower your partner to transform their expectiations, get your provider on board with your plan, and live out an extraordinarily better experience of your birth.

It’s a powerful experience you can’t get anywhere else.

It Starts Here!

Sign up for the Free Audio Course Sample and get our free guide, Honoring Your Prior Birth Story

“I gained confidence in myself, my partner became more engaged, and we felt excited to try again.”

Free Audio Sample

This audio course is available for you to listen to while waiting for the baby to arrive or doing dishes... driving...


The audio sample:  Honoring Your Prior Birth Story comes with a worksheet to learn more about how your birth was last time, so you can feel better prepared and more confident as you create something better


The audio course also has a special audio module for partners so they can engage with their own prior experience and consider alternate possibilites.

Little Music Fan

You are not "crazy" for thinking this could work. A Better Next Birth exists! I can prove it! Just listen to the Free A Better Next Birth PODCAST EDITION. It's story - by - story of folks who wanted a better next birth AND GOT IT. My model works. Just let me show you.  I'm happy to.

If you decide you like the course and want to buy the whole course, here's what you'll get in return for your investment: 

  • 26 private podcast episodes designed specifically to help you construct a better next birth after a hard previous birth

  • Partner- Centered Audios and worksheets made especially to help THEM get the tools YOU (and they) need. 

  • A Cheerleader and Compassionate Guide IN YOUR EARS 

  • A Private Facebook Group for birthers to talk about their prior births, share their visions for their upcoming births, and rave about their triumphs in the better birth realized. 

  • A Queen's Advisory Guide based on the Midwifery Model of Care including worksheets, tips on common birth obstacles and how to overcome them, and empowering birth videos to motivate you.

  • 7 days from course purchase to ask for your money back if you don't feel fully satisfied with your investment. **

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